Thursday, January 7, 2010

Greek sports

The greeks have a lot of famous sports and in my opinion they guys would fight to the finish. The would train and practice so that they would be victorous. I play a lot of sport and just like the greeks I practice hard so that when i am about to play a sport i am ready. The sports that I play now a not like the sports that the greeks played. The greeks played like iron disk toss, who can jump the longest and a lot of one on one fighting battels. Now in modern day we play sports like basketball, football, hockey, Soccer and many more.

Also that playing sports that the greeks did were part of big events and it was to say that playing sports is thing that greeks did most next to battling. If you are on the battel field and you have to fight the last guy standing it going to be hard if that person is the best and if you win you are the best player of that sport of event. So to me playing sport is the best fun that some one has ever came up with. I like playing sports and having fun and i know that the greeks injoyed it .

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