Thursday, March 18, 2010

New world passage

Well I knew today was not going be a good day because I was just living my life and all of a sudden I am being captured and taken on a ship to be taken to somplace they call the new world. I am wondering how this happend and it all a blur. So im on a ship and I am chained to a shelve and I only get feed at certian times and it very hot and it dosent smell to good. I am wondering how long I will servive. This is tourcher and being a slave is not good and I just want to go home but I knew that it wasent an option.

Its me agian and im not sure how long ive been on this ship but what will come of it with the stormy nights and it always hot and it is very hard to sleep. To tell u the truth i dont even know what month it is and what going to happen but I have to survive no matter what happens and no matter if other are giving up im not going to God is hear and he wont let me die. From what i hear from those who captured me that we are getting close to the middle and then he said passage and i though he ment the middle passage. So really i been on this ship longer than i realized but i know im going to make it.

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