Thursday, March 18, 2010

New world passage

Well I knew today was not going be a good day because I was just living my life and all of a sudden I am being captured and taken on a ship to be taken to somplace they call the new world. I am wondering how this happend and it all a blur. So im on a ship and I am chained to a shelve and I only get feed at certian times and it very hot and it dosent smell to good. I am wondering how long I will servive. This is tourcher and being a slave is not good and I just want to go home but I knew that it wasent an option.

Its me agian and im not sure how long ive been on this ship but what will come of it with the stormy nights and it always hot and it is very hard to sleep. To tell u the truth i dont even know what month it is and what going to happen but I have to survive no matter what happens and no matter if other are giving up im not going to God is hear and he wont let me die. From what i hear from those who captured me that we are getting close to the middle and then he said passage and i though he ment the middle passage. So really i been on this ship longer than i realized but i know im going to make it.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Therory being questioned

Just like the therory that Galileo had about saying that the earth was not the center of the univers and that the sun is i have my own therory. My therory is that a story that people say that bloody mary had in one point was alive. They say when you go into the bathroom and close the door turn off all the lights and brush or comb your hair in the mirror and say bloody three time she will appear and takes your eyes. I think its an urban mith that people say is true by I dont think so. In order for me to show eveybody that this mith is not real i will have to test this my self.

Everyone questions the therory of bloody mary and some people belive it and others dont and I can say that with this no one really knows and to they try it and it may be terrifiying. Also there are others who say it was a women named queen mary who had a misscarege and decided if she could have her child neither could any one else. So if she killed the women and sat in thier blood then would live forever and that is also another myth that I have heard of. This is a really big thing and some people dont understand it and neither do I but I will find out how.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Work, Energy and Power

Age 7: When I was in shcool and and in my class I was doing some class work and it was quiet in the class for a wile and all of a sudden the fire arlarm in the school went of and all the rest of my friends were surprised by the loud noise. So my teacher told us to get up quietly and the other didnt listen and they were running down the stairs and I was trying to walk so me walking is my work and by accident one of the other kids triped me while I was coming down the stairs. I ended up falling down the stairs and me falling is the kinetic energy. As a result I was hurt badly with two teeth missing and my mouth in pain and me on the ground is my potential energy

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A good sameritian/Sports

I like working hard when it comes to playing sports and like playing sports like soccer, basketball, hockey, skateboarding and many more. Sometimes I think that when people have talents they dont even relize that they have thease talents. So at first I didnt know to play most of these sports I play and it took time to learn.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Newtons Laws of motion and soccer

The way soccer aplies to newtonts first law is when you on

Verge of take over

This is to say that when people take over something that you use to control that in on way applies to me because like when a king or a ruler decides that he can not fight anymore others come in and destroy what you left and say that it now belongs to them. With that someone at my old school had said that there was a place we would hang out and it was an old class room in my schools basement. All we would do down there is talk, play video games, eat snacks and stuff. So when the teachers found out what we were doing down there they came in and took over.

They said that they where going to turn it back into a class room and we were all like why do they all of a sudden want to turn it back into a class room. we wasn't doing anything wrong just some kids having fun we weren't hurting anybody. So when in class we talk about how other knights of so come in and destroy what you have and then claim it as their own. There was nothing that we could do about it so we were thinking that we had to find another place to have fun.

So as i have just explained how me and my friends got our civilization taken over you can see how i am comparing how when some one who is in charge decides that he is being run over by another ruler they have no choice but to leave and find a new place to live. So your guys work for who ever is next to follow. So with me and my friends whole organization got shutdown and there was nothing that we could of do about it. So basically if u are the king than you own your men then u have a knight that owns his own men and so on.

The last thing that I have to say Is when u in charge make sure that u have everything in control and with me next time I have a place and make sure that it wont get taken over and that no one will not find out were the origination is. That is why I call this blog the verge of take over and lesson learnd is that dont make the same mistakes and be fair to those who just hang out. Well i really learnd my lession about that and make it better.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Soccer and Newtons Laws of Motion

The way soccer applies to to newtons laws of motion is the first law when an object stays at rest unless acted by an unblanced force. So when you playing soccer in order for the ball t move it must be kicked by the person fot it to move.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Greek sports continued

There are a lot of sports out there and when the greeks hade they sporting events others around the world started having there sporting events across the world end if you are person who playes a sport and you are good at it they would call you a person that could play. After playing hard and facing the best of the best you become known. They would wear speacial uniforms to go into the sports and just like them we too where a uniform to battle it out in. so the greek deserve credit for playing sports but a lot of others play sports too.

Greek sports

The greeks have a lot of famous sports and in my opinion they guys would fight to the finish. The would train and practice so that they would be victorous. I play a lot of sport and just like the greeks I practice hard so that when i am about to play a sport i am ready. The sports that I play now a not like the sports that the greeks played. The greeks played like iron disk toss, who can jump the longest and a lot of one on one fighting battels. Now in modern day we play sports like basketball, football, hockey, Soccer and many more.

Also that playing sports that the greeks did were part of big events and it was to say that playing sports is thing that greeks did most next to battling. If you are on the battel field and you have to fight the last guy standing it going to be hard if that person is the best and if you win you are the best player of that sport of event. So to me playing sport is the best fun that some one has ever came up with. I like playing sports and having fun and i know that the greeks injoyed it .